Are you tired of unreliable and costly storage solutions that never seem to meet your needs? It’s time to switch to NEOs Series Automated Tape Libraries and revolutionize the way you store and manage your data!
Our entry-level tape automation product comes packed with advanced features that are usually only found in expensive enterprise solutions. With NEOs series automated tape libraries, you get Remote Management, Removable Cartridge Magazines, Upgradeable Tape Drives, Barcode readers, and much more.
But that’s not all!
NEOs Series tape libraries offer high capacity, advanced data protection features, and exceptional reliability – all at a price that is well worth the investment. No more worrying about losing critical data or paying an arm and a leg for storage solutions.
Say goodbye to the frustration of unreliable and inadequate storage solutions and upgrade to NEOs StorageLoader or NEO®s T24 for a state-of-the-art tape automation solution. Invest in the future of your data storage and management today and experience high-quality performance like never before.
Are you curious about the robotic workings of tape automation robotics? Well, wonder no more! We’ve created an exciting video that takes you on a behind-the-scenes tour of the robotics inside our tape automation. Head over to our YouTube Channel now to discover and gain a deeper understanding of this technology.
NEO®s T24
NEOs T24 is a powerful backup and archive solution designed for small businesses or remote locations. Packing up to 1,080TB of storage capacity in a compact 2U form factor, the NEOs T24 delivers amazing capabilities in a compact form factor and provides affordable, dependable, easy to use backup and archive capability for a variety of data center environments. Read more.